Last renewal: 2024.7.13



Publications of GIGE or sold at GIGE




< > New ISBN number of the publisher 9900375/938925 after Jan. 2007 could be obtained by converting the last numerical number of old ISBN with this (see example on the publication Nos.3 & 5>


1. Gondwana News Letter No. 1 (1993)-No. 25 (2005)

Nos. 1-6: Gondwana Research Group, Hashimoto. Nos. 7-: International Association for Gondwana Research, Kochi. Each number has 16-50 pages. Nos 1-4: B5 size and low quality paper, No. 5- Modified A4 size, art paper.

ISSN 1341-4704 (No. 1-4), 1341-5484 (Nos. 5-25)  [Price of each issue: $20 (in US dollars), Some numbers are out of order] Yearly subscription rate: $20 for individuals and $100 for institutions.  Free of charge for the Gondwana Research subscribers (Attached with the Gondwana Research). No.26以降はElsevier社による販売.


2.ゴンドワナニュースレター(Gondwana News Letter Japanese version) No.11993)−No.282007

ゴンドワナ研究会編集,発行.英語版Gondwana News Letterとほぼ対訳関係になっている。

ISSN 1341-4704. 年間購読料個人2000, 機関10000. Gondwana Research購読者は無料であったが、No.28以後発行を停止している。


3.  Gondwana Research Group Miscellaneous Publication No.1. (1994)

Crustal Section of Peninsular Gneiss-Gondwana-Eastern Ghats, India: UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP-288 International Field Workshop Guide Book

A.T. Rao, R.S. Divi & M. Yoshida (eds), Gondwana Research Group, Osaka, B6 size 88pages . ISBN 9900375-0-2C-3344 [Price: $20, out of Order] <5>

(New ISBN: 978-4-99003750-5)


4.  Geological Society of India Memoir 34 (1995)

India and Antarctica during the Precambrian

M. Yoshida & M. Santosh (eds), Geol. Society of India, Bangalore, B5 size 412 pages.

ISBN 81-85867-16-X [Price: $70 outside India]


5.  GRG Mem. 1 (1995)

Granulites of India, Sri Lanka and Antarctica

M. Yoshida & M. Santosh (eds), Field Science Publishers, Osaka, modified B5 size, 355 pages. ISBN 4-9900375-1-0-C-3344 [Price: $50] <2>

(New ISBN: 978-4-99003751-2)


6.  GRG Mem. 2 (1995)

India as a Fragment of East Gondwana

M. Yoshida, M. Santosh and A.T. Rao (eds), Field Science Publishers, Osaka, modified B5 size, 249 pages. ISBN 9900375-2-9-C 3344 [Price: $40] <9>       


7.  GRG Miscl. Pub. 2 (1995)

Proceedings of Symposium on India and Antarctica during the Precambrian and Granulite and Crustal Processes in East Gondwana- Thematic Meeting of UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP 368: Proterozoic Events in East Gondwana, December 1-3, 1995, Visakhapatnam, India-

A.T. Rao, R.S. Divi & M. Yoshida (eds), Field Science Publishers, Osaka, A4 size, 67pages. ISBN 9900375-3-7-C 3344 [Out of Order] <6>


8.  GRG Miscl. Pub. 3 (1996)

Tectonics and Petrology of Granulites of East Gondwana Surrounding India

M. Yoshida (ed), Field Science Publishers, Osaka, B5 size, 216 pages.

ISBN 9900375-4-5-C 3344 [Price: &20, out of order] <3>


9.  GRG Mem. 3 (1996)

The Archaean and Proterozoic Terrains of Southern India within East Gondwana

- Text Book and Field Guide -

M. Santosh & M. Yoshida (eds), Field Science Publishers, Osaka, B5 size, 403 pages.

ISBN 9900375-5-3-C 3344 [Price $60] <0>


10.  GRG Miscl. Pub. 4 (1996)

Proceedings of the UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP-368 International Field Workshop on the Proterozoic Continental Crust of Southern India

M. Santosh & M. Yoshida (eds), Field Science Publishers, Osaka, A4 size, 130 pages.

ISBN 9900375-6-1-C 3344 [Price $20] <7>


11. Jour. Southeast Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 14, Special Issue (1996)

Precambrian India within East Gondwana 

M. Yoshida, M. Santosh & M. Arima (eds), Pergamon/Elsevier, Cambridge, A4 size, 329 pages. ISSN 0743-9547 [Price: about $70, to be ordered to the publisher]


12. GRG Miscl. Pub. 5 (1997)

Proceedings of the UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP-348/368 International Field Workshop on Proterozoic Geology of Madagascar (Antananarivo, Madagascar 16-30 August 1997).

R. Cox and L.D. Ashwal (eds), Field Science Publishers, Osaka, A4 size, 107 pages.

ISBN 9900375-7-X-C 3344  [Price: $40] <4>


13. GRG Miscl. Pub. 6 (1997)

Proterozoic Geology of Madagascar, Guidebook to Field Excursions, UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP-348/368 (Antananarivo, Madagascar, 16-30 August 1997).

L.D. Ashwal (ed), Field Science Publishers, Osaka,A4 size, 53 pages.

ISBN 9900375-8-8-C 3344  [Price: $40] <1>


14. Geological Society of India Field Guidebook (1997)

A Crustal Section of Eastern Dharwar Craton-Godavari Rift-Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt, India: Field Excursion Guide Book.

A.T. Rao, R.S. Divi and M. Yoshida (eds), Geol. Soc. India, Bangalore, 1997, B6 size, 105  pages. ISBN 81-85867025-9  [Price: about $15, to be ordered to the publisher]


15. Gondwana Research Vol.1, No. 1- Vol. 8, No. 4 (1997-2005) total 32 numbers.

International Association for Gondwana Research, Osaka, modified A4 size, art paper, about 170-250 pages each. ISSN 1342-937-X  [Price: ordinary issue is $40, and special issue range from $40-70] Subscription rates per year are as follows.


Low income countries: US $20  M income countries: US $50  H income countries: US $70


Low income countires: US $100   M income countries: US $120   H income countries: US $160



16. GRG Miscl. Pub. No. 7 (1998)

Eastern Ghats and Surrounding Areas within East Gondwana.

M. Yoshida, M. Arima, A.T. Rao and M. Santosh (eds), Gondwana Research Group, Osaka, A4 size, modified A4 size, 456 pages.

ISBN 4-9900375-9-6 C 3344  [Price: $60, out of order] <8>


17. GRG Miscl. Pub. No. 8 (1998)

International Seminar on Precambrian Crust in Eastern and Central India (UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP-368 October 29-30, 1998, Bhubaneswar, India).

Geological Survey of India (ed), Field Science Publishers, Osaka, modified A6 size, 249 pages. ISBN 4-938925-04-4C [Price: $30] <8>


18. GRG Mem. 4 (1998)

Precambrian Crustal Processes in East Coast Granulite-Greenstone Regions of India and Antarctica within East Gondwana.

A.T. Rao, S.R. Div and M. Yoshida (eds), Field Science Publishers, Osaka, B5 size, 198 pages. ISBN 4-938925-00-1C  [Price: 30] <0>


19. GRG Mem. 5 (1999)

Eastern Ghats Granulites.

A.T. Rao, V. Divakara Rao and M. Yoshida (eds), Field Science Publishers, Osaka, B5 size, 172 pages. ISBN 4-938925-01-XC  [Price: 30] <7>


20. GRG Mem. 6 (1999)

Geodynamics of the NW Himalaya.

A.K. Jain and R.M. Manickavasagam (eds), Field Science Publishers, Osaka, A4 size, 377 pages. ISBN 4-938925-02-8C [Price: $70] <4>


21. GRG Miscl. Pub. No. 9 (2000)

Metamorphism and Tectonic Evolution of Eastern Ghats and Surrounding Areas within East Gondwana.

M. Yoshida (ed), Field Science Publishers, Osaka, A4 size, 311 pages.

ISBN 4-938925-05-2C 3344  [Price: $50] <5>


22. Geological Survey of India Special Publication No. 57 (2000)

Precambrian Crust in Eastern and Central India (Proceedings of the International Seminar UNESCO-IUGS-IGCP-368, October 29-30, 1998).

D. Mukhopadhyay et al. (Editorial Board), Geological Survey of India, Calcutta, A4 size, 316 pages. ISSN-0254-0436 [Price: $30, to be ordered to the publisher]


23. GIGE/GRG Miscl. Pub. No. 10 (2001)

超大陸の形成過程におけるインド中央構造帯の意義:ユネスコ-IUGS-IGCP368の研究成果に学ぶ (The Central Indian Tectonic Zone and its Role in the Supercontinent Assembly:  

Study on the Result of UNESCO-IGUS-IGCP368 Program)(in English and Japanese).

M. Yoshida (ed), Field Science Publishers, Osaka, A4 size, 107 pages.

ISBN 4-938925-06-0 C3344 [Price: $40] <2>

New ISBN: 978-4-938925-06-2 C3344

24. GIGE/GRG Misc. Pub. No. 11 (2001)

ISRGA field Guidebook for Major Geologic Unists of Southwest Japan.

T. Kano (ed), GIGE/Field Science Publishers, Hashimoto/Osaka, A4 size, 258 pages.

ISBN 4-938925-07-9C 3344 [Price: $40] <9>


25. GIGE/GRG Misc. Pub. No. 12 (2001)

Program and Late Abstracts: International Symposiun on the Assembly and Breakup of Rodinia and Gondwana, and Growth of Asia.

Yao, A., Biju Sekhar, Okudaira, T. And Kuwahara, K. (eds.), GIGE/Field Science Publishers, Hashimoto/Osaka, A4 size, 62 pages

ISBN 4-938925-08-7C [Free distribution with a postal handling charge of $10] <6>


26. GIGE/GRG Nisc. Pub. No. 13 (2001)

地球環境の超長期変動と人類紀:地球46億年の歴史から地球環境・人類の未来を考える (Ultra Long-term Environmental Changes of the Globe and the Anthropogene Thinking into the Global Environment and the Future of Human Beings Based on the 46000 Millinon Years of Earth History)(In Japanese only).

Yoshikura, S. and Kisanuki, A. (eds.), GIGE/Fiels Science Pub., Hashimoto/Osaka,  A4 size, 81 pages. ISBN 4-938925-09-5C [Free distribution with a postal handling charge of $10] <3>



27. Santosh, M., Biju-Sekhar, S., Shabeer, K.P. (Eds), 2001, Rodinia, Gondwana and Asia, Gondwana Research Special Issue (ISRGA Volume). Gondwana Research Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 555-852. [Price: $80], to be sold at GIGE and the publisher.



28. GIGE/GRG  Misc. Pub. No. 14 (2002)

Central Indian Tectoniz Zone and its extensions within East Gondwana

Yoshida, M., Kano, T., Biju Sekhar and B.K. Bandyopadhyay(eds), GIGE/Field Science Publishers, Hashimoto/Osaka, A4 size,  About 370 pages, simple bind and soft cover. under editig.

ISBN 4-938925-10-9C  [Price: US $60] <9>


29. GIGE/GRG Misc. Pub. No. 15 (2002)

Proterozoic Mobile Belts of India and Related Areas within Gondwana: Summary of IGCP-368.

Yoshida, M., Santosh, M., Dissanayake, C.B. and Arima, M. (eds), GIGE/Field Science Publishers, Hashimoto/Osaka, A4 size, about 382 pages, simple bind and one color soft cover.

ISBN 4-938925-11-7C [US $ 50] <6>


30. GRG Mem. 7. (2002)

Himalayan Collision Tectonics.

Jain, A.K., Singh, Sandeep & Manickavasagam, R.M. (eds), Field Science Publishers, Hashimoto, Deformed A4 size, 114 pages, simple bind and four color soft cover.

ISBN4-938925-12-5C [US $50] <3>


31. GIGE/GRG Misc. Pub. No. 16 (2002)

Program and Abstracts, International Symposium on the Amalgamation of Precambrian Blocks and the Role of the Paleozoic Orogens in Asia PPO-Asia (Memorial Symposium for Prof. Teruo Watanabe), September 507, 2002, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.

Kawamura, M. (ed), Field Science Publishers, Hashimoto, A4 size, 116 pages, simpble bind and cour color soft cover.

ISBN 4-938925-13-3C [US $20] <0>


32. GRG Mem. 8 (2002)

Structural Evolution of the High-grade Gneisses in the Wanni Complex and its Bearing on Proterozoic Tectonics of Sri Lanka. Geological Survey & Mines Bureau Prof. Paper 8, and GRG Mem. 8.

Tani, Yasutaka, Geological Survey & Mines Bureau, Dehiwala, Sri Lanka. A4 size, simple bind, monocolor soft cover, 87 pages.

ISBN 955-9323-15-6 [US $30]


33. M. Yoshida, A.B.Kampunzu, Z.X. Li & T. Watanabe (eds), 2003, Assembly and Breakup of Rodinia and Gondwana, Special Issue, Gondwana Research, 6, 137-290. [US 50], to be ordered either to GIGE or to the publisher.


34. Yoshida, M. and B.N. Upreti (eds), 2004, Geology and Natural Hazards along the Kaligandaki Valley, Central-west Nepal Himalaya; Field Workshop Guidebook. Department of Geology, Trichandra Campus, Kathmandu, Nepal, 72 pages. [Price: free. Handling and postal charge of $20 is required]


35. Department of Geology, Tri-Chandra Campus, Tribhuvan University (pub), 2004, International Seminar on Natural Disaster Mitigation and Issues on Technology Transfer in South and Southeast Asia -JICA Regional Seminar -, Sept. 30-Oct. 13, 2004, Kathmandu, Nepal. Program and Abstracts.  Dept. Geol., Tri-Chandra Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu and JICA, Kathmandu, 48 pages. [Price: free, handling and postal charge of US $20 is required]


36. Upreti, B.N. and Yoshida, M. (eds), 2005, Guidebook for Himalayan Trekkers, Ser. No.1, Geology and Natural Hazards along the Kaligandaki Valley, Nepal. Special Pub. No.1, Department of Geology, Trichandra Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, 165 pages. ISBN 99933-52-70-5 [Price: US $40 including postal charge, to be ordered either to the publisher or GIGE]


37. Yoshida, M. and Upreti, B.N. (eds) 2005, Natural Disaster Mitigation and Issues on Technology Transfer in South and Southeast Asia - Proceedings of the JICA Reginald Seminar, Kathmandu 2004. Sp. Pub. No. 2, Department of Geology, Trichandra Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, 197 pages.  ISBN 99933-52-90-X [Price: free, to be ordered either to the publisher or GIGE; but handling and postal charge of US $20 is required].


38. B. Balasubrahmanyan, 2006, Geology and Tectonics of India: An Overview. IAGR Mem. 9, ISBN 4-938925-15-X C3344,  IAGR, Kochi, Japan/ Field Science Publ, GIGE, Hashimoto,, 204 pages.


39. Leelanandam, C., Rama Prasada Rao, I.B., Sivaji, Ch., Santosh, M., 2007, The Indian Continental Crust and Upper Mantle. IAGR Mem. No. 10, ISBN 978-938925-16-1 C 3344, Field Science Pub./IAGR, Hashimoto/Kochi, Japan, 298 pages.


40. 吉田勝・B.N.ウプレティ・S.M.ライ,2007,エベレスト地域ドウドウコシ河に沿う地学と自然災害:野外研修ガイドブック.(Yoshida, M., Upretin B.N>, Rai, S.M., Geology and Natural hazards along Dhudhukoshi, Everest region (In Japanese). GRG/GIGE Miscellaneous Publication No. 17, フィールドサイエンス出版,ゴンドワナ地質環境研究所,ISBN 978-4-938925-17-8 C3344橋本、41ページ.(冊子は品切れ)、電子出版:ISBN 978-4-938925-35-2 販価1000円.


41. Nakano, N., Osanai, Y., Miyamoto, T., Santosh, M. (Eds), 2007, 4th International Symposium on Gondwana to Asia and 2007 IAGR Annual Convention, Abstract Volume. ISBN 978-4-938925-18-5 C3344, Field Science Publishers/IGAR, Hashimoto/Kochi, Japan, 206 pages.


42. 吉田勝・S.M. RaiB.N. Upreti, 2008, ネパールヒマラヤランタン谷に沿う地学と自然災害:野外研修ガイドブック.(Yoshida, M., Rai, S.M., and Upreti, B.N., 2008, Geology and Natural Hazards along the Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalaya: Field Exercise Guidebook, in Japanese). GRG/GIGE Miscellaneous Publication No. 17, フィールドサイエンス出版,ゴンドワナ地質環境研究所,ISBN 978-4-938925-20-8C橋本、31ページ.(冊子体は品切れ)、電子出版:ISBN 978-4-938925-36-9,販価1000


43. 吉田勝・R. Upadhyay, 2009,北西インドヒマラヤの地質と風景:野外研修ガイドブック.Yoshida, M. and Upadhyay, R., 2009, Geology and scenery of Northwest Indian Himalaya : Field Exercise Guidebook. In Japanese). GRG/GIGE Miscellaneous Publication No. 17, フィールドサイエンス出版,ゴンドワナ地質環境研究所,ISBN 978-4-938925-21-4 C 橋本、37ページ.(冊子は品切れ).電子出版:ISBN 978-4-938925-37-6,販価1000円.


44. Yoshida, M.,2011,  What is International English? GRG/GIGE Miscl. Pub. No.21,, E-book, ISBN978-4-938925-22-2 C 0880, Field Science Publ, GIGE, Hashimoto, Japan. 4 pages.


45. Maruyama, S., Yoshida, M., 2011, Revising “The Limits to Growth” – The Inteligence of Human Beigs. GRG/GIGE Mislc. Pub., No. 23, E-book, ISBN 978-4-938925-24-6 C, Field Science Pub., GIGE, Hashimoto, Japan, 6 pages.


46. Yoshida, M., 2011, Natural Disasters, Their Mitigation, and Importance of Technology Transfer. GRG/GIGE Miscl. Pub., No. 22, E-book, ISBN 978-4-938925-23-9, Field Science Pub./GIGE, Hashimoto, 10 pages.


47. Yoshida, M., Upreti, B.N., Rai, S.M., 2011, Himalayan Guidebook Series for Eco-trekking – Observing Geology and Nature in the Field (In Japanese) – GRG/GIGE Miscl. Pub. No. 24, E-book, ISBN 978-4-938925-25-3, Field Sci. Pub./GIGE, Hashimoto, 25 pages.


48. Yoshida, M., Upreti, B.N. and Rai, S.M. (Eds.), 2011, Guidebook for Himalayan Trekkers, Ser. 2, Ecotrekking in the Everest Region, Eastern Nepal. Sp. Publ. No.3, Dept. Geol., Trichandra Campus, Tribhuvan Univ., Kathmandu. ISBN 978-4-938925-33-8, 195 pages.


49. 吉田勝(編著), 2012, ヒマラヤ造山帯大横断−第1回学生のヒマラヤ野外実習ツアー20123月の記録− Traversing the Himalayan Orogen - Record of the First Student Himalayan Geotour in March 2012 (in Japanese). GRG/GIGE Miscl. Pub., 25, 152ページ.フィールドサイエンス出版、(冊子は売り切れ).電子出版ISBN 978-938925-26-0 C3344,橋本.


50. Yoshida, M. and Spencer, V. (Transls.), 2012, 2 Approaching Crisis of Global Cooling and the Limits to Growth-Global Warming is not Our Future.(S. Maruyama),  IAGR/GRG Mem. 11. Field Science Publishers, Hashimoto, and Xlibris Co., IN, USA, ISBN 978-1-4771-2858-9 (Soft cover)/ 2859-6 (hard cover)/ 2860-2 (E-book), 146 pages.


51. 吉田勝(編著), 2013, ヒマラヤ造山帯大横断2013−第2回学生のヒマラヤ野外実習ツアー20133月の記録−(E-book) Traversing the Himalayan Orogen - A Record of the Second Student Himalayan Exercise Tour in March 2013 (in Japanese with English abstracts, Electronic book). GRG/GIGE Miscl. Pub., 26, ISBN 979-938925-27-7 C3344, 106ページ.電子出版,フィールドサイエンス出版,橋本.


52. 吉田勝・天野一男・中井均(編著), 2013, ジオツアー・ジオパーク・地学オリンピック−地学を楽しく! Yoshida, M., Amano, K., Nakai,H., 2013, Geotours, Geoparks and Geo-Olympic: Enjoy Geosciences!.E-book,Geological Society of Japan. 日本地質学会電子出版 ISBN 978-4-907604-00-4251頁.


53. Yoshida, M., Upreti, B.N. (Eds), 2014, Geology and Natural Hazards along the Kaligandaki Valley, Nepal, Guidebook for Himalayan Trekkers, Ser. No. 1, Provisional Second Edition. GRG/GIGE Miscl. Pub., 27, Field Science Pub., Hashimoto, Japan, ISBN 978-938925-28-4 C, 143 pages.


54. 吉田勝(編著), 2014, ヒマラヤ造山帯大横断2014−第3回学生のヒマラヤ野外実習ツアー20143月の記録−(E-book) Traversing the Himalayan Orogen 2014 - A Record of the Second Student Himalayan Exercise Tour in March 2014 (in Japanese with English abstracts, Electronic book). GRG/GIGE Miscl. Pub., 28, ISBN 979-938925-29-1 C, 203ページ.電子出版,フィールドサイエンス出版,橋本.


55. 21世紀地球寒冷化と国際変動予測

吉田勝(訳2015M. Yoshida, V. Spencer (訳2012,丸山茂徳原著,2008),(Yoshida, M. (Transl), 2015, Global Cooling in the 21st Century and Future World (In Japanese) 東信堂,159頁,ISBN978-4-798912-93-6,販価1600円.


56. ヒマラヤ造山帯大横断2015−第4回学生のヒマラヤ野外実習ツアー20153月の記録−GIGE雑報30(電子出版)

吉田勝(編著, 2015, Yoshida, M., editor, 2015, Traversing the Himalayan Orogen 2015. In Japanese, e-book)フィールドサイエンス出版,191頁,ISBN 978-4-938925-32-1 C3344販価1000円.


57. ネパールのシアボランティア2年間GIGE雑報31

吉田勝・吉田彬(2016フィールドサイエンス出版,230頁,(Yoshida, M., Yoshida, Y., 2016, Senior Volunteer 2 years in Nepal, in Japanese, Field Science Publishers) ISBN 978-4-938925-34-5 C1326販価1500円.


58. ヒマラヤ造山帯大横断2016−第5回学生のヒマラヤ野外実習ツアー20163月の記録−GIGE雑報32(電子出版)

吉田勝(編著, 2016, フィールドサイエンス出版,164頁,(Yoshida, M., ed., Traversing the Himalayan Orogen 2016, in Panaese and English). ISBN 978-4-938925-38-3 C1844販価1000円.



59. Guidebook for Himalayan Trekkers, Ser. No. 3, Geology and Natural Hazards along Kathmandu-Pokhara-Lumbini-Mugling Highways. 2nd Ed., GIGE Misl. Pub. No. 33.(E-book)

 Yoshida, M. and Ulak, P.D. (Eds.), 2017. Field Science Publishers, Hashimoto, Japan, ISBN 978938925-40-6C. 64 pages, 販価 1000円。



60. ヒマラヤ造山帯大横断2017−第6回学生のヒマラヤ野外実習ツアー20173月の記録−GIGE雑報34(電子出版)

吉田勝(編著, 2016, フィールドサイエンス出版,198頁,(Yoshida, M., ed., Traversing the Himalayan Orogen 2016, in Panaese and English). ISBN 978-4-938925-38-3 C1844販価1000円.












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